Yello Fungi and The Wickedness of Roses

It was a big day in the garden today. Whilst I was composting my potted roses I found these little beauties.
It must be the time for them as I found quite a few hidden around in the garden and it seems that they are also sprouting up around Rainies neck of the woods.
The roses had gone wild so it was time to cut them back and do some serious weeding.........I have had clumps of hair torn out.......scratched and stung by those wicked things.....such a good job that the blooms are always gorgeous.

Sitting back with a cup of tea and looking at the garden I realise that there is nothing quite as fabulous after a hard and hot day in the garden....and it looks awesome ...... I reckon if one listens very close one can almost hear a big sigh and a thank you from the ones that had had a bit more space eked out for them.

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