It was pouring with rain... I came in tonight. The sun was thinking of setting.

So I closed the curtains, but as I was closing them, this most amazing vibrant double rainbow came across the sky. I just stood and watched for a good few moments.

Then I thought camera...

So rushed to find phone, looking all over for my keys, tried to open door with wrong key, dropped keys....

By the time I got outside the double rainbow was the bare remnants of one rainbow, but I took a photo anyway as it was still pretty bright.

The photo was pretty enough as it was, but I played in the apps anyway. I played in Thyra. Played with curves, mirror, and distortion.

There were a whole pile of mirror effects, but I quite liked the bottom left effect, and the bottom right.

There were a lot of distortion effects I could have carried on playing with, but I didn’t use the circular ones although I thought the were fantastic, but I liked the way this bright rainbow turned into this sepia kaleidoscope distortion. I didn’t like the 11 sided one, but moved it to the the even numbered 12 sided one.

So this is a collage of the 3 pics I liked best of the remains of the beautiful rainbow.

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