New Lambs at Moonset Farm

Dear Diary,

It may not feel like spring but the little lambs are being born at my friend's farm anyway.  These adorable twins were snuggled up next to mum.  My friend wasn't home but the barn was open as usual so I wandered in to get my first look at the newcomers to the farm.  It just isn't spring for me until I see the new lambs!  I will go back in a few days and I might get to play with them.

My new garden app has sound effects that I leave playing and while I was writing this the soft sounds of sheep baaing could be heard.  The birds are singing too, unlike my yard which is cold and grey and still dotted with piles of dirty snow.  Most unappealing!  Still, spring is coming and one just has to be patient and it does help if you can visit new lambs! 

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