A few days ago
I watched these tulips 
Being tossed and blown
By the wind
And my instinct was 
To bring them indoors
Out of the wind and rain
So that they could be 
Sheltered and warm
But of course I did no such thing
Because I know that 
Weathering the storms
Is what makes them strong.

As I watched I could see that
Although their stems bend 
When the wind blows
Because they are supple and
Planted deep in the pot
They were standing firm and strong. 

Watching the trees in the garden
I realised that they do the same
They may bend and creak
As the wind and rain buffets
Their leaves and branches
But as long as their roots go deep
They too stand firm. 

And now, two days later
These tulips are standing
Tall and strong
Looking up into
The sun
And giving pleasure -
Their purpose in life.

Sometimes we allow the “storms of life”
To destroy us
Rather than letting them 
“Make us strong”.
When we have been battered 
By the winds of adversity
We are often able to withstand
Much more than we ever thought
Then when the storm is past
We can look up
Bring pleasure
And bless those around us.

© Maureen Iles

P.S.  I apologise for not commenting yesterday but am grateful for your comments and stars - Mr. HCB had a wonderful time in the garden.

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