Missing Billy Badly....


A day of two halves....

Please don't feel you have to read this, really for my diary:

Had so many plans for my day off but haven't completed half of them :(  

Woke up very early, quite weepy and missing Billy in a way that was unexpected.  

Looking back I haven't given myself time to grieve properly I suppose.

His unexpected death came at a time when I was very busy preparing for my sermon two weeks ago...and also being very busy at work.  Then last weekend decorating, and kept myself busy....

I digress.  I got up eventually, loaded the car with stuff for the tip, but found myself turning towards the local Cats Protection instead.  

I saw a few cats there, but none particularly appealed to me just now, though there was were a couple of gorgeous girls.  They were both too young (I feel) to be left at home all day and I wanted for them to have a better home than I could offer.

Eventually I went to the tip and got rid of my car load of stuff which makes me feel good.  Still more to be taken another time though....

Went food shopping, and then came home...I was planning to continue painting, but my heart just hasn't been in it (what a waste).  Instead I've lolled around and not done a lot.  

Hunting for the key to the padlock on my garden shed which I can't find, as I wanted to do some proper gardening....most irritating!!

Came across this on Facebook not long ago today (just what I needed and its helped a bit)....

The Other Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself for not doing things perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I'm working on doing better, and the wisdom to know that you love me just the way I am. 

(I'm not sure who wrote it)

Really need to get out somewhere tomorrow...anyone around?  

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