The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The tea towel bag lady

This lady in the market makes beautiful bags out of upcycled linen tea towels, lined with cotton, with strong leather straps. She has a wonderful sewing machine that can produce a great variety of stitches.

I didn't buy any, but she agreed to pose with the donkey bag. I was born in Ireland, and we had a donkey tea towel, so I favoured this one, though all.of them were lovely.

The strangest creation was based on a tea towel from the Milk Marketing board, who had been trying to promote recipes with cream, seventies-style, by linking it with star signs! So, ♒, Aquarius, Cream of Spinach Soup! (I don't think so. I'm way too sexy for spinach soup. Anyway, I hate cream).

The market was cold, and quiet. However, I sold almost as many cards as I did in March, so that was ok. Tomorrow is an all-day affair. Fortunately I shall be in a gazebo. Winter has returned.

The WEA bookings are STILL not all sorted, and I am doing the data protection stuff too, so I get an email every ten minutes. I think I'd quite like to be replaced by a robot for some of these tasks.

PS The bag lady trades online ( not sure where) under the name pumpkin scone.

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