What are you doing here?

Well, I finally made up my mind about a longer zoom lens for my Olympus.  I wanted to actually try the lens on my camera before buying, so went to an excellent camera specialist, SRS Microsystems in Watford, where I knew I would get good advice.  I have bought the Olympus 40-150 plus teleconverter.  I needed to check there was nothing better (cheaper and lighter) than this one that I didn't know about.  Yes there is, but I also wanted the f2.8 throughout the zoom range and the cheaper one was not as wide.  It is a heavy lens - f2.8 is only achieved through lots of 'glass' hence the weight.  It sits comfortably on the camera and is easy to manage handheld shots at full zoom, thanks to the amazing stabilisation on the Olympus.

So, to try out the new lens, I took camera and dog for a walk.  As it was late in the day, it had to be the farm just a few minutes from the house.  I am very happy with the quality of the images at a distance on full zoom.  These chaps were happily munching their evening hay when I walked past and looked quizzically at me, possibly wondering whether there was more food for them.  Bless them, they're not the 'sharpest knives in the drawer'!

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