A time for everything

By turnx3

Flower Friday

We spent the morning at work in the garden - I was cutting the grass, front and back, While Roger was doing some digging over of a bed that had grown a bit “unruly”. After lunch we went biking again, this time on our local Little Miami Trail. Since the temperatures are heating up, we chose the stretch immediately north of Loveland, which is quite shady. I saw a deer amongst the trees just as I was setting off, and on the way back a couple of wild turkeys, but neither were in a mood to have their picture taken! So I returned home still blipless, so took a picture of these beautiful white flowers from a shrub at the side of the house. In the evening, we watched a movie on Netflix - Secret Scripture, based on the novel by Sebastian Barry, which I had read a couple of years ago.
One year ago: The knife sharpener

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