Bickerton's Tomb

Another quiet and lazy day.  TT had to go to church, so I was on football duties, thought I really only dropped off and then TT went back to watch the second half and bring BB home.

After lunch we managed to persuade BB to do some cello practice.  He then decided he wanted to tidy his room (!!), but we were heading out, so that didn’t come to much.  We headed over Aberlady way and had a wander.

I was on cooking duties again, and made a very nice tea, which was wolfed down. I then ventured out for a  wander.  It was the best part of the day as the cool  wind had died down.  I then got stuck into some PTA admin, but I will have to finish it off tomorrow.

Here is the tomb of the Knight (Bickerton’s Tomb), remains of Luffness Friary.  X marks the spot in the extra.


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