Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

South Country - widwed230518

I haven't taken much in the way of a landscape for some time.  However, I'm trying to do BobsBlips great widwed challenge as often as I can (an antidote to my much-loved 200ml lens), so here is one for today.

It's only in the last few years I've really explored parts of the South Downs.  It's so easy to dismiss them as less dramatic and beautiful than the West Country, Wales, the North, whatever, but they do get into your bones.  The huge chalk escarpments topped with hillfort after Iron Age hillfort and (where farming allows) the unparalleled richness of plants and insects under your feet.

Don't mind me, I'm just rabbiting!

So here is a pretty brilliant view looking west towards Dorset.  And in the foreground are a few wildflowers: speedwell (the blue one) , crosswort (the yellow one) and a Paul-Nash-esque dandelion clock.  I have already blipped dandelions as an extra for my 2018Wildflower series, but as I forgot to add it to the list, I'm putting it in for today.

Many thanks to BobsBlips for continuing to host this great challenge.

And have a lovely evening, All  xx

2018 wildflowers to date:

Gorse (or furze);  Wild daffodils
Coltsfoot;  Primroses;  Blackthorn
Greater periwinkle;  Goat willow;  Ground ivy;  Cowslips;  Daisy;
Common field speedwell;  Wood anemone;  Greater celandine
Cuckoo flower (or lady’s smock);  Yellow archangel;  Common dog violet;
Crab apple;  Bluebell;  Red clover;  Germander speedwell;
Three-cornered leek;  Hawthorn;  Yellow flag; dandelion

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