Sweet Alyssum......

....humble in it's form, dainty, tiny flowers resembling a small bouquet, as one bends down to admire a sweet fragrance of honey lingers. It's poncy name is Lobularia maritima, think I prefer simple sweet alyssum.

And I'm feeling very humble as more comments, stars and favs are left for Tuesday's celebration. I'm sorry I'm dragging the chain with my thank you's, it's been a busy few days and my eyes have needed resting in the evening. I will get to everyone in time but for now thank you so much, I'm truly touched.

Oh and this was taken with the 50mm lens on board with the 31mm Extension tube, love the soft effect.

Another weekend has arrived......enjoy :)

And....I've just realized I have a new purple camera, how cool is that! :))

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