Detling CC

A ususal Saturday until the evening. Town in the morning, allotment in the afternoon then up to Detling to watch Matt play cricket. Unfortunately, his side were fielding so opportunities for talking were limited. I didn't stay to the end but it turns out they won.

The evening was spectacular as several impressive thunderstorms passed over, by and around us giving the most amazing pyrotechnic light shows in the gathering gloom and night. They were like no other storms I've experienced - the lightening was almost constant illumination the whole sky and the building and gardens - but it was the thunder that was so different, so unusual.

It wasn't the flash, flash followed by a loud bang that lingers on rolling around the countryside or indeed, repeated flashes and bangs it was a constant aggressive rumble and tumble, a little like being at the base of a massive cascading waterfall or in a forest during a violent gale. Truely unusual and awe inspiring.

We were watching the storms develop and move northwards on a Rain Alert app, seeing the red cells expand and track towards us, verring off to the west in some cases, passing overhead in others. Finally, around 1.00am the last remnents passed away to the north and we were able get to sleep.

More of the same forecast tommorrow.

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