Ferreting Around

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Made it into school and survived the day, to find it was ending much earlier than I'd suspected... With my extra time I arranged a haircut.

That shouldn't be as big task, but sadly I have gotten used to one person cutting my hair; I know when I walk in I will always wander off happy. The reason this is more of a challenge than it used to be is that I live around 50 miles away from her now...

So I booked and called/texted a couple people that I was popping through. A "wee" drive on the motorway later and I pop up in Edinburgh. Lose a fair amount of hair. May have been asked out by the hairdresser. Finalised plan to meet with a friend. Change plans at last minute. Go round to hers and join a mini pre-birthday party for her flatmate with take out and homemade waffles. See a bunch of lovely people there and some ferrets (above). Drive home, care of a couple drop offs. And sleeeep.

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