
I thought it would be nice for the Little Misses to make popcorn with Daddy this afternoon and have a snuggly couple of hours on the sofa eating it. It half worked - they ate the popcorn but wouldn't settle to watch the film. Too much playing and drawing to do!!
I am so so so looking foward to getting them back to school tomorrow. Ha, who would have thought I'd have said that a couple of months ago?!
Two weeks off has been tough on all of us! Makes me feel a bit crappy admitting it - shouldn't I enjoy time with my children and treasure the time I spend with them?
But Miss E in particular is being so difficult - not just naughty but manic and silly and anxious. And I feel guilty so overcompensate and walk on eggshells round her. Where's my lovely little girl gone?
But anyway tomorrow they're both off to school and I can try and reduce my stress levels and get back to normal.
And perhaps stop moaning!!!
On a more positive note, while Mr K was strimming the garden yesterday he found the car key that we hadn't seen for months! It must have fallen out of my pocket on the way into the house one day and has been hidden in the grass ever since! And it still works, woohoo!!

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