Honeysuckle: Lonicera

On our holiday turnaround day we finished the washing/drying that was started last night, began to pack, bought the provisions for our picnic en route tomorrow evening, picked up some holiday reading from the library, delivered a birthday card, and wrote some letters. We also took some long-overdue exercise and ate sensibly after several days of over-indulgence (and weight gain!)

We met Rhea and Clare at L'escargot bleu for lunch. Today is the last day of the their holiday in Scotland before they return home to the US. They brought news of Baile-na-Cille, on the Isle of Lewis: they were staying there last week; walkingMarj is there now; and Mr hazelh, Ridgeback13 and I cannot wait to reach the guest house on Thursday.

We also saw Véronique and Tzippi this afternoon. They were both on good form, looking forward to the Royal Highland Show and the chance of some wins for Tzippi for her latest handicraft creations.

I blipped the honeysuckle on the walk from the restaurant to Véronique's house.

Exercise today: 10 mile bike ride; walking (11,193 steps).

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