Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


I had a training afternoon at Westmead today, and headed there a little early, as our grand round was cancelled (which, realistically, didn't alter the fact that to go back up to Katoomba before heading to the unit would have meant about 3 hours (round trip) on the train in order to spend an hour on the unit. So I decided they could do without me. ;-) Anyway, as I said, I headed to Westmead early, so instead of sitting around at Nepean Hospital reading Freud, I sat in Parramatta Park reading Freud.

Before I sat, however, I walked along a trail that has been created through some bush being regenerated, apparently to be more like what was there in the time of the Burramatta - the Aboriginal people who lived in the area now known as Parramatta. Along the path there are a number of little information plaques, two of which I photographed and uploaded.

It was really very nice, as I think I've managed to show in this photo (and larger here): very quiet and peaceful, with many birds overhead, and even close-by on the ground - a Currawong sat a couple of metres away from me, apparently fairly unconcerned.

Later as I sat reading, some Noisy Miners came quite close, and a pair of Ibis stalked only a couple of metres behind me - allowing a few good photos even with my short short 20mm lens. Crows and Ibis were often flying overhead, but the ducks stayed in the river. ;-)

I also watched the oceans of joggers (and I use the word advisedly) taking their midday jogs. I saw one person with a reasonably quick cadence, but the heel strike and over-striding kind of screwed that. I saw one or two probably mid-forefoot landers, but sloooow cadence; no spring in the steps. Many or most were hunched, all were tense, hips dropping side to side ...

... I'm such a critical judgemental biatch. xP

But honestly, they made it look painful. No wonder most people give such a negative response when I mention running: that's what they think it is - and I know I wouldn't want to do that.

I arrived home to find Miss 6's apparent choice of reading material. Spread out on the sitting room floor: all my Star Wars novels, and my complete works of Shakespeare. Apart from the spread out on the floor thing, I rather approve. ;-) Though I d wish she'd cease and desist with the Shakespeare; the binding is getting a bit loose. :-(

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