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Dear Diary,

I can't help but walk into the garden each day and look for what's new.  So much is happening right now.  The beautiful iris are still filling the garden with their color although they are definitely nearing the end of their bloom.  My chives make a nice compliment to them I think.

The chives are the only holdover from the days this was all a vegetable garden.  Years ago, when I decided to convert it all to a perennial flower garden, these hearty little souls came up every year and I thought, well, they are perennial and they do flower so they stay!

My new helper John came yesterday and together we tackled the pruning of the Weigela bush...a big job.  He is a sweet man and he will be back tomorrow to edge some beds and continue deadheading the iris.  Matt will be here on Friday to do some other chores.  Andrew was here yesterday and got everything mowed.  My friend calls them my "posse"!  I know I would be lost without them.

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