Gitama's World

By Gitama

Sunday Arvo

There has been a bitter wind blowing today.....just as I was about to moan about it I remembered the stinking hot days of summer ....went and put another jumper on and got cozy.

By the time I got out of the house to take the dog for a walk the sun was sliding down to the horizon and I put on the cozy coat I got in was yummy.

I have been wanting to experiment with blurry shots for a while now....I decided to use my iPhone so I could see the results as I was taking them. I have become aware that even though one would think that its easy to take a blurry really isn’t easy at all...well to get something that’s half way decent anyway. I quite liked this reminded me of a friends painting.

The moon was awesome in the sky and I could get a very decent shot of it with the reach of my new Sony...Happy Days.

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