Family time

Quite fittingly on Fathers Day, we spent today with the whole of the Howard Family, at my Aunty Rhondas house in Woking. Hence a very early start for us.

So we were up at 7, and Jon and H came in from their camp at about 7.15. All showered etc we left at 8.15 heading south.

After a frustrating hold up on the M25 we arrived in Woking at 12.30. A bit late but that was soon forgotten as we said our hellos and introduced the kids to their distant cousins/second cousins etc.

The weather was dry and breezy so we were able to spend the day in the garden catching up. We think the last time we all met up was 5 years ago at mum and dad's in Hoddesdon. What a difference 5 years makes! The children have all grown so much and and there are two new little ones we had the pleasure of meeting for the first time. I certainly speak for all of us (sitting in our car in another M25 jam) that it has been a really lovely day. It takes effort to get together when we are all so far apart, but today EVERYONE made that effort - even young Bryce who was working until 5 then cycled across town to join us before we all went our separate ways - which we had to do eventually. It took me half an hour to say goodbye to everyone! We left at 6.30 with 4 hours on the road ahead of us!

My cousin Candice and I hatched this family get together idea, and then found a date we were all able to do - no mean feat with so many families with busy lives. Rhonda hosted. All we had to do was turn up. So thankyou to my amazing family, and especially Candice who made it happen. It has been a really special day, and not a day too soon. I'll send you the photos - and look forward to the next time!! Perhaps a weekend by the sea? ;)

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