A present...

..from me to me!! I have always wanted one of these puppets since i was small. They used to be high up out of reach in the toy shop in Fawkon Walk, I all I coukd do was look. They were very expensive. A few years ago, I got one at a jumble sale : no box and much played with. I had to have her. Today, I didn't walk with Carol and Jane as I had a few bits to do. I only dropped in to my favourite charity shop at the last minute. I had a brief look at everything then this handsome chap caught my eye. The box is battered and split, but it's a box. I was paid and out of there before my sensible fairy could persuade me I didn't need him! How much do you think? He wasn't cheap.

We were extremely tired when our alarm went off today. Luckily the 3 youngest (can't call them kids now) didn't need to get up. I was out by 7 and in work at 8. Did some work, signed two more of ny books, and received some welcome positive feedback from another friend who is reading it! I am starting to believe it is actually quite good. Now on the bus home planning a shopping at Lidl and birthday card making evening while the others watch the football.

Blip done, so one less job to do tonight!

4 days until a lie in....

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