Ragpit Orchids

I had a frustrating and demanding time today completing my tax return - I have to pay some capital gains tax and you'd think they'd make it easy to give HM Revenue & Tax some money.  I was almost crying with frustration when the completed form failed to upload and I couldn't log back in as the password wouldn't work - I'd used it only a few hours earlier! - eventually I found a way in to my completed form and managed to upload it! Phew!

My head was spinning and my stress levels mega-high so I took the dog out for some fresh air.  We went to a local area known as the Ragpits, where there is a carpet of orchids and other wild flowers plus some rare butterflies. Late afternoon not the best time for some things but I practised using the focus stacking on my Olympus - very effective.

I am now officially a photographer for the 'Remember My Baby' organisation.  Part of me is keen to get on with doing the first shoot but the rest of me doesn't want to do it because that will mean a family has lost a baby.  If I am called upon to do this, then I feel it is a way I can use my photography skills to benefit others.

London 24 tomorrow. I will aim to make it through to the last train out of Marylebone but I have a gathering of the Coven round the Witches' Cauldron to attend on Saturday and I would probably have some awful spell cast upon me if I failed to show for that!  Watch this space.

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