The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


In the jungle that we call our garden. The wisteria hasn't flowered this year. I've only just noticed.

It's been hot again. About 30 C. I got my documents photocopied after work, then went home to change for my summer job interview. There were loads of questions, then I was sent out of the room, before being recalled to be congratulated! Yay, I've got a summer job, and possibly some youth club work, ongoing, if I want it.

I went to celebrate by buying an ice cream. Tiramisu flavour. Then went home and phoned a friend. She wanted to order some cards. Another friend came round with a job description. This prompted me to look at another jobs site...

Now I am going to pack for my market stall tomorrow. It'll be good to get off the treadmill on Sunday, and next Thursday, when I head off to the
West Highlands for a wedding

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