Double Figures!

Our beautiful Miss E is ten today. Double figures!!
The day followed its usual course - up at at the crack of dawn for presents, chocolate for breakfast, late for school and then Frankie & Benny's after school with Nana and Papa.
As usual with Miss E there were ups and downs. The Fingerling she so wanted didn't fit her finger properly but she wouldn't hear of sending it back because it would be upset and rejected (sweet and annoying!!!), the love she feels for her little sister fills me with joy, and she cares more about reading the cards than the money in them (See extras)
The restaurant was a bit fraught. It all gets a bit much for her (although she did enjoy her ridiculous dessert!!)
Ten years with my beautiful, maddening, complicated Miss E. She's not like anyone else and if she was she wouldn't be Miss E. 
We'd gone to Frankie & Benny's in Penny so we had the annual blowing out of the candles in her. I can't believe there are ten candles already!!


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