More Travelling

I never heard a sound from the other two departures in the middle of the night.
Woke late and had a relaxed breakfast and chat with Sophie who apparently is quite used to a husband who leaves it to the last minute to let her know where he is going - or how long he will be away (it turns out his 3 days in Florence is actually 5).
I started watching a film with Rowan but had to leave to go and get a padlock for SWMBO's case.....whose lock decided to stop working.

A very nice taxi driver took us on the 15 minute trip to the airport.
Why is every time you fly they change what has to be put in trays and pockets and what needs to taken off in the way of watches, belts, shoes etc.?  All it does is cause confusion and delays.

We got through security and there was already an hours delay. Arriving in time to collect the hire car is going to be tight!
2.5 hours late in landing, Slowest baggage reclaim in the world and nobody knowing where our hire car company was situated. It all added up to frayed tempers.
I eventually found the hire car place ……… inside the VIP car returns. A slightly bigger car than expected but fitted with an automatic box and sat.nav. (glad I didn't pay for sat.nav.). Thank God for the sat.nav……. although it did take us the long way to the town and couldn't find the hotel. Just as well I had done my research and taken printouts of town maps, close ups of routes and what could be 'interesting' turns and junctions - so I was able to ignore the car when we got reasonably close but wanted to go off in what I knew was in completely the wrong direction. Just as well or we would never have found the hotel down what seemed to be back alleys and such.
But find it we did - and very nice it looks too …..even at 2am 

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