Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Coming in Hot

This is a phrase that race car drivers use to describe a car that is entering the pits perhaps a little too fast.  It seems an apt title for today's blip of a little ruby--throated hummingbird who was flying directly towards my lens this morning.  I am always a little chuffed when I manage to get a head-on shot of a hummer in flight - it's a difficult shot and one that I usually don't get.  Making it a fairly easy choice for today's blip.  

Runner up shot for the day is Flosse, the garden chipmunk, having a quick clean up after dining on trumpet vine blossoms.  Click HERE to view.

Went over to visit with MIL today and to see if I could get her to eat some of her lunch.  She's not been wanting to eat much of anything for the last 10 days or so.  I got her to eat a little, and to drink some juice.  We had some laughs and I answered the same questions over and over.  She was in good spirits when I left.  SIL is visiting her tonight, which will make her very happy.

Did some weed-whacking when I got home, as well as watering both gardens.  We've not had any rain for a couple of weeks and things are very dry.  Thankfully, most of my plantings are of the native variety, which means they are drought resistant.  Still, a lot of them were looking droopy.  Hopefully we'll get some rain soon.

My friend who has the farm around the corner is bringing her two granddaughters over tomorrow to look for insects in the garden.  I love that they are being raised not to be afraid of insects and I'm looking forward to showing them some of my favorite little creatures.  And, hopefully the chipmunks will come out too.

Hubs will be home tomorrow night - yay!  I've missed him.


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