Coming In......

and persevering with bee shots.

Many thanks for the helpful information shared yesterday on learning manual. I learnt alot and so did many others, some things I hadn't even considered let alone knew about. So with all the information on board, I went out and stalked the bees again but this time I had Daughter A's 450D.

The weather was cloudy which was of no help for the light and there were less bees, however, I played around with lenses and settings and gradually I saw a little improvement. This is one of the better shots, chosen because in the bee is inflight, the light on the wings and also because the long proboscis (tongue) can be seen. The proboscis is like a straw which sticks out to suck up nectar and water. Overall I'm quite happy with this shot, its certainly way better than what I've been getting previously.

That's about it for me - a day of stalking bees :)

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