Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Flying Prawns

That is what the Hummingbird Clearwing Moths (Hemaris thysbe) remind me of with their fluffy "tails".  Right on cue, as soon as the phlox and pink bee balm started to bloom, the clearwings showed up.  While I prefer a macro lens for many insects; for these big flyers, I like my 300 prime instead.

It's been a long day.  MIL's doctor decided yesterday to have her admitted to the hospital today to run a bunch of tests to try to find out what is at the root of her symptoms.  Hubs and SIL have been with her most of the day; Hubs may stay over at the hospital with her tonight - we'll just play that by ear.  She doesn't understand why she's there and isn't at all happy about it - who can blame her?  There isn't much I can do, which makes me feel very unsettled.

I'll try a little more nature therapy, I think.  After thunderstorms and rain this morning, it's now sunny and breezy.  Lots of things flying in the garden, and lots of hummers buzzing around.  

On a happier note, I'm pleased to report that the first little monarch caterpillars have emerged from the eggs that were deposited several days ago.  I took some shots of one of them who'd just finished eating his egg case and chewing a little crescent in his leaf.  You can see him HERE in a public FB album if you'd like.  More to come.

Keep a good thought for MIL, please.


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