Ice, Ice, Baby!

The girls were really good last night and we didn’t hear a peep out of them.  Violet woke up crying at 5.20am, so I went into her room, we had a cuddle and then I told her she needed to go back to sleep, and she did.

I struggled to get back to sleep though, so sat in bed with my phone and caught up on Blip, but finally managed to drop back off - then when V woke up at 7.30am I felt worse than I did at 5.20!  She was an absolute delight though, I took her into our room and she got into bed with Alan and I and kept hugging me and telling me that Pappy was still asleep ;-)

Scarlett had an ice skating lesson at 10am, so we needed to be up and out, but also we had to pack the car ready to leave.  Rachel & Scott weren’t due home until later, but they’d arranged for us to take the girls to one of their friends’ after Scarlett’s lesson.

Our journey home was fine other than the usual M25 holdups, and we were back for 4.15pm.  We unpacked and then I headed into Brighton to meet Denise (aka MissMacPic) who’s been in Brighton for a couple of days.  It was so lovely to finally meet her and to also meet Clive - thanks for the drink!

We took the obligatory selfies, but my Blip today has to be of Scarlett so I’ve added one of the selfies to my extras.

It was lovely to meet you Denise, and hope to see you next time you’re over!

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