A Glimpse into the Grotto of Chenrezig.........

....AKA.. Avalokiteshvara.......AKA ..Kwanyin.

I really like this account:
According to Mahayna doctrine, Avalokiteshvara is the bodhisattva who has made a great vow to assist sentient beings in times of difficulty, and to postpone his own Buddhahood until he has assisted every sentient being in achieving Nirvana.

This statue can be found within the gardens of the Crystal Castle....perhaps my favorite until Durga (another story.... another day) arrived.

I have always been fascinated by different cultures Gods and Goddesses and what they get up to ...often times quite comical........and other times they seem to bestow upon us their blessings which can be very helpful whilst traveling the sometimes rocky roads of life as a human being.

I am enjoying playing in Photoshop at them moment and learning new things.

I am sorry that I didnt get around to your journals last night I was so tired after the workshop I just had to jump into bed...plus there was a lot of integrating....Death and Dying is a very BIG subject.

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