Breakfast Visitor

This toddler seagull seemed to think, when he followed me to the door as I returned from an early morning jaunt on the bike, that I might be a better bet for attention than his absent parents who could not hear his pitiful mewling.

We have a surfeit of seagulls in the Meadows even though we are about 3 miles from the sea as they fly. They are nuisance scavengers and nothing is off limits as far as they are concerned; bin bags ripped open, scattering the contents far and wide, rubbish removed from the big bins whose lids have been left open, and killing and eating any resident rabbit or squirrel unlucky enough to cross their path. They are noisy birds too, in the early morning. Their dawn chorus is loud and raucous as they gather in groups around the chosen source of food.

Being a little later than the seagulls in setting out as hunter gatherers, His Lordship and I uncharacteristically took the bus to and from town. I always feel a bit guilty about being so lazy, but I blame HL, although he was heard to say that we would have been quicker walking home had we not been encumbered with shopping.

The sunshade is up now and there is reading in the sunshine to look forward to with the odd check on the progress of The Tour on the tele.

The grass is really that colour!

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