Life through the lens...

By ValC

Reaching for the sky.

The runner beans have now past the top of the canes, and still growing.
Unfortunately this year many of the flowers are dropping off, but we are still having enough for two helpings every other day.

Another lovely summer’s day. Not too hot,and with some cloud, although this evening the clouds have cleared and it is a beautiful clear blue sky.

A very lazy day for us.
As usual on a Saturday reading the Yorkshire Post,and all the supplements. I always enjoy Country Week.
Today’s walk is along the Driffield Canal. It has been cut out, and we may do it in the next couple of weeks.

Lunch sat in the garden,and a BBQ this evening.

I have prepared the Marie Rose sause, and the Tomato Salsa for the Prawn and Crab cocktail
lettuce cups I am making to take to the Walking Club BBQ tomorrow.
For once I think we might have a fine day,and will be able to sit outside in Chris’s beautiful garden.

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

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