Late finish

The work day started with a meeting at 0800.from then until midday I went from one meeting to another. There was then a short period to eat, before boarding the shuttle to Greenlane for a meeting with the Duly Authorised Officers. These are staff appointed by my predecessors and now me to administer aspects of the Mental Health Act. To maintain their eligibility for this role they have to attend a number of the sessions held every couple of months to discuss important issues.

The greatest involvement and passion was around the absence of a safe place to assess people, and then care for them while waiting for an inpatient bed. They have been accustomed to using the Emergency department, but pressure there has made ED reluctant to have the area used in this way. I think they recognised (in the end) that those of us in leadership positions do want to solve the absence of a place of safety, but we cannot do this immediately.

The day ended with another two hour meeting which coul probably have been completed in less than half the time. I chose to attend by video link, so I didn’t then have a half hour trip back to my base on the staff shuttle. I need my regular day off tomorrow.

This is the junction of Great North Road (ahead) with Ponsonby Road to the right, Newton Road to the left and K Road. On my way home as dark was fallin.

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