Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The day started with beautiful sunshine and I was preparing myself to go out after lunch. After lunch the sky opened up together with thunder and lightning. During this we had a hail storm...then rain, then hail again, all accompanied with thunder and lightning. When I got out to pick some thyme, I realised that hail had smashed through the plastic covers of both my smaller greenhouses. So I got the strong and weather proof sticky tape and fixed the holes. I put sticky tape on both the inside and outside. I hope it holds for a while.
Because of all the rain, there was this massiv water 'puddle' and two cars just plowed right through, making the water splash everywhere and getting a cheep cleaning also. ;) I managed to catch two photos of it.
Hail looks rather beautiful, glittering in the light, so that had to be my blip.

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