Fresh figs

People told me my figs wouldn’t ripen in this country - but they were wrong. Once I’d begun to tackle the bindweed yesterday, I uncovered a ripe fig ready to pick. We had that on our muesli cut in half. Tonight, more weeding and clearing (the preparation before I begin revamping my garden) and I found this lovely ripe fig. There are lots more on the tree, and I gave mum a small fig cutting from a branch that had rooted itself, so hopefully she will get some in years to come. My tree seems happy in its sheltered position so I don’t plan to move it. My garden mentor (;-))has suggested I do a scale drawing of my garden, which I will start at the weekend. I have already decided that I’m going to be quite ruthless with what I keep and what gets composted.

Tonight, I’ve made a good start. I think I’m going to need a skip!!

In other news, it was work as usual from 8. Jon and I crept around our overnight guests who were fast asleep on the sofa bed in the lounge.

At lunchtime I collected my new glasses. They gave me a bit of a headache this afternoon, so I hope I get used to them soon. Then I had a chat with Manda. We are trying to find a day, no half a day, we’ll take a few hours even, where we can all get together for a family photo. It’s proving a challenge and the children are all so busy. It has to be before Mollie goes back to uni.

Home at about 6 after an accident at Alby blocked the road, and sent me down a very narrow side road, which had loads of traffic both ways, trying to find a way round. I got home eventually.

Then the gardening after a quick chat with dad next door. Now it’s too dark to weed, so I’m in to watch Who Do You Think You Are. I love it.

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