A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Morning play.

Although Eda can crawl quite well (especially when she spies a cat) her main aim is still to stand up at every opportunity.
You can see in this picture she puts a lot of concentration into it. Of course the truck moves so out of shot Granny's foot is firmly on the fourth wheel!
What I love is that she points her toes and does a little tapping step particualarly with her right foot as you can see here. Ballet? Grace thinks it's a Pique.

She makes for the truck straight away when she comes to play with her toys and likes to pile every thing in it, from standing! This takes quite a bit of effort and concentration bending down to pick things up and getting up again and when we played this afternoon she was making the decision whether to post things under or over the handle. Over was most popular.

We popped out twice today, once to collect a wooden stair gate and then to the vets this afternoon. The 'cone of shame' has come off but Jengi still has to stay in for a couple more days.
It has been a nice afternoon and evening with 5 hot air balloons to be seen down the hill over the city, but Grace has been doing some prep for her new job starting in September so Granny has been in charge of play.

Extra is bathtime. Great fun being a Granny!

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