Mr. HCB and I worked very hard in the garden yesterday and last night I was suffering because my neck was very sore, so this morning we decided that it might be best not to do any more garden work.  

I was due to meet a friend this afternoon for a coffee anyway, so we made a joint decision to go into the library but to have a coffee beforehand - actually, Mr. HCB will be away for four days for the next two weeks at cricket, so I think he was feeling a little guilty - but don't tell him I said so!

We had a good time together and then Mr. HCB came on home then I walked up into Old Town and met my friend, Rachel, for a coffee catch-up.  I always enjoy meeting her and I think we both felt the benefit of chatting to each other about anything and everything.

I decided to walk home through the Lawns and passed a garden I am very fond of - there were lots of beautiful flowers and the Japanese anemones caught my eye, but then I saw these lovely little cyclamen and decided that they would be my Blip for today.

I carried on walking, taking a path I wouldn’t normally take.  There have been several “incidents” in the Lawns parkland area recently, but when I saw a lady and her dog walking down one of the paths, thought there would be safety in numbers.  I caught her up and chatted with her, saying that I had followed her, but wouldn’t have come along this path normally.  She said that even with her dog, she was very careful, as although it was a good guard dog, it could be quite a “soppy” dog - so we walked the rest of the way together.  

I have been doing some serious thinking about Blip and although I am not intending to stop taking my daily photograph, I am seriously considering taking part in Scroll Free September when social media users are being encouraged to log off and maybe just put a quote under my photograph and title.  I left Facebook last November but have put my Blip on Facebook since June, because several friends said they missed seeing it on there, but don’t do anything other than that - so no “likes” and no “comments” since then.  Time will tell if I can do this!

“The difference between 
     technology and slavery 
          is that slaves are fully aware 
               that they are not free” 
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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