The Spice Must Flow!

The very good news from our yard is that the couple of milkweed plants in the front hedge are chock full of monarch caterpillars! I first saw just one tiny one, but I never saw it again, and I feared the rains had washed it away. Then, a few weeks later, I spotted at least NINE of the caterpillars, in every size from itsy-bitsy to huge. How exciting!

I brought the Crittergators out to meet the caterpillars - one of the Red Shirts walked right up and posed with a tiny one for a quick photo. I'm sorry you missed that fun moment. On this particular morning, I saw all of the cats again, and they are really big now. Soon they will be turning into butterflies.

When I saw them like this, practically bursting at the seams, I was reminded of the sandworms from the 1984 David Lynch film Dune. I didn't want to tell the Crittergators that, though, as they might have wanted to try to ride these "worms," which the caterpillars would very likely have considered rude behavior!

We must have something spicy to go with this sandworm/caterpillar shot. So here are the Spice Girls, with Spice Up Your Life.

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