An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Little Garden Helper...

Another day over in the blink of an eye.

I seem to start each day with great intentions of getting lots done then suddenly it's 10pm and I've hardly made a dent.

Lola had a great time with R up at the moor today.  She came back, had a drink of water and fell into a lovely sleep.  David managed to get an emergency appointment at the dentist as his recent filling is causing a bit of pain.  I was tempted to go with him to St Andrews but decided to stay home and tackle my section of the study (David has made a start on clearing it out)  In the blink of an eye two hours had passed and all I had managed to do was clear out one drawer and look at photograph albums!  Massive fail!

David returned from St Andrews with a little gift wrapped package for me.  A new watch!   I've managed to lose my everyday watch and despite a thorough search of the house, have been unable to find it.  I didn't realise how often I looked at my watch until found myself looking at my bare wrist for the umpteenth time so I was delighted to receive a replacement.

This evening David watered the hanging baskets.  Unfortunately they are well past their best and have been battered by rain and high winds in the last couple of weeks, but they have now been dead headed and watered so hopefully they might rally for another couple of weeks.

In all the really hot weather we've had over the summer months, Lola refused to go anywhere near the garden sprinkler but this evening she decided it was the most fun thing ever and spent ages running under and through the water spray till she was a soggy doggy.  Not interested in the hot summer months when she would have dried in minutes but now it's much cooler she decides it's fun.  



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