Never Let Go

Lovely post-tennis walk this afternoon along the Westridge above Wotton. It's lovely to have Charlie home for a time, and as soon as she's finished all her last minute writing we can all have even more fun. As you can see, Janet is thrilled too.

I spent the early hours of this morning counting traffic as it began the working day, between 06h30 and 09h00. It was clear to me that there was a large disparity in the east and west running traffic, with far more through traffic coming from Gloucestershire and aiming for the Motorway.

I imagine the evening run (that I'm not involved with) will show the reverse. It's more about the through traffic than the local stuff. We're trying to show that the developer funded traffic studies are not robust and do not identify the real problems the village is facing.

But for now, time to shower and get ready to go out for a meal. I kind of forgot to this morning... I mean, six o'clock am doesn't really exist for me any more.

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