Boy in Tree

Yesterday that kid was an angel today a total ratbag.........I wonder how folk with several kids get along....I’ve only ever had to deal with one at a time and that is just absolutely enough as far as I’m takes all of my creativity ......ingenuity ......and crafty ways to get through it...and that’s not to mention the energy.

His very sore foot (ahem) didn’t stop him from climbing trees and driving the dog into a frenzy.....who I will add is still dropping bombs around the house....and he especially likes to sit under my desk when I’m working UGH!

We have had some gorgeous rain again today and the sky tonight was just epically gorgeous with the light finding it’s way through the thick clouds.......everything is becoming green again and a rose bush that I was going to pull out because it only produced thorns has bloomed like a demon with bunches of little peach coloured roses.

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