Rise for Climate - Bristol

Some of the several hundred folk who turned out under threatening skies to rally for an increased focus on human influenced climate chaos. 

Several very good speakers presented short talks on subjects from pension funds divesting from climate harming portfolios through to the promotion of green job and renewable energy to an elderly gentlemen who spoke stirringly about protecting our habitat for the grandchildren.

Almost no politicians attended openly, which was both expected and deplorable, but our MEP Molly Scott Cato arrived with the local Green Party contingent (as did I) and took to the stage by invitation of the hosting group.

It was a good rally, but after a sleepless night where Janet had been baking in the early hours to try for a prize at the local show (she got a highly commended for her floral display), I'm home and ready to plonk in front of the idiot box.

Several hundred, though. not thousands... It's not like there's a plan B.

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