The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Oh no...

My younger sister, or one of them, asked me to research cheap flights to Crete for her. She wants to go during Scottish half term. I've spent far too much time looking online. She might even want a package holiday, it turns out.

Meanwhile, another friend, Dave, wants to meet up soon, so that I can help him choose his holidays for next year. He seems to have liked the ones I've recommended for him so far.

But in the real world, when I looked into an apprenticeship with a major high street travel agency, I could not have afforded to live on the wage, because they wanted all of my time! Anyway, young people need a break.

The Tuesday WEA class started today. Great to see old friends again, and learn about poetry and art across the ages. It appears I WILL be able to attend all the classes this term, owing to a work timetabling error in my favour. Hurrah. I had wondered why my acting boss kept querying what time I was leaving work every day... Anyway, after half term I'll be working regular hours at school, and in my new part time job, all being well.

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