Raheny_Eye Visits the Dower House

It was such a pleasure and honour for His Lordship and me to be included in Raheny_Eye’s whirlwind trip to Scotland this weekend.
Having spent yesterday with the lads, Mr Smith and Red, in Haddington and lunching with Jaybroek today, he came a-visiting to the Dower House this afternoon.

He and I repaired to Söderberg to catch up on news, where Serena the beautiful manageress wondered if he were my son. Well, age wise he could be, but he is definitely of Gallic origin and I am not, but I take it as a compliment anyway.
I was particularly interested in his new daily occupation of jumping into the Irish Sea. He assured me that the feel good factor achieved by immersing oneself in near freezing water is worth a lot.. A bit like the relief obtained when one stops banging one’s head on a wall, I expect. Chacun à son goût!

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