
After I accompanied T. at her first visit at the company physician (everything is alright, it was just a talk), I stayed a while on the parking. 
I was wondering about the wet spots on the windshield. Than I remembered that it must be something we called rain in former days :-))
(We had almost no rain since April)
I remembered Hobbs dropplet blip and started to play with the mobile.
I blipped in direction of the tree and when I saw the result, I knew it would be my blip today. I had caught this smiling ghost. He was obviously on his way for some shoppings.... :-)

Back home I had one of those creepy discussions with P.
I had thought it would have become better the last weeks, but it was another illusion (as suspected)
(I needed a lot of time to get back into a nomal mode, so sorry for my lack of commenting and this late entry.... and now everything is peacefull again, no ghosts or P.s in sight)

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