Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Hokey Cokey heron

You put your left leg in,
Your left leg out:
In, out, in, out.
You shake it all about.
You do the hokey cokey,
And you turn around.
That's what it's all about!

Well that's what I thought he was doing when I saw him this morning, strutting up and down his favourite perch.  And, btw, I have absolutely no idea if it's a he or a she, and my field guide remains zipped up on that point.  What a lovely bird, though, always a thrill to see 'him'.

Apart from that - and always supposing you really want to know - I've spent the day cleaning the oven, mounting prints for a couple of competitions and making soup.  Ain't life a thrill!

Have yourselves a brill evening  xx

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