Life In Wales

By KarenC

Forever Blowing Bubbles

Yesterday, Alan the Bubble Man posted on the Brighton Skies group that the humidity was set to be 90% at sunset tonight, which would be perfect for big bubbles, so a few of us arranged to meet up about 4pm.  We spent a great hour taking photos of him as the sun set and the starlings murmured - a perfect alternative to fireworks.  The little girl in this image is Matilda, the daughter of one of the group, and she had a fantastic time chasing his bubbles.  Once Al had packed up, we went for a quick drink before heading home.

In other news, I had my yearly check up with my oncologist this morning, however David my normal oncologist has had an operation and isn't back in work until February, so I saw one of his colleagues, Sarah.  She had obviously read my notes as was up to date with my treatment, we discussed the fact that I've been getting headaches and having a few dizzy spells. After examining me, she said she doesn't think there's anything to worry about but wants me to have an MRI scan of my head, just for peace of mind and this is now booked in for Thursday morning.  I then had to have some blood tests done in readiness of the scan, and the nurse said that Sarah is extremely thorough, so that's good to know.  

I got to work an hour later, so I worked through my lunch but the day went quite quickly, and that's Monday over, hope you've had a good one!

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