My father's

No work today!! Yey!
I was up quite early. There is a lot to do this and next weekend.
I had a late breakfast with Christina then we started looking though my fathers belongings. Objective is to sort what I will be taking to Glasgow, what needs to be kept and what can be thrown out.
His huge antique camera collection will go to Glasgow, including the camera books and some of the old family furniture.
There are tons of closets to go through. There are slides and old films, that he was taking since and probably before I was born.
My dad was a keen photographer, and so was his father! 
I sorted through drawers and found a lot of old photos taken by both of them. Including wonderful portraits of my dad when he was a boy. 
I also found stunning photos of my mother when she was maybe 18-20! I had never seen them before. I only got through 2 of the drawers, as it took too much time to look at things and run upstairs to show it to Christina before I boxed it to take home.
Needless to say that I did not get far, but there will be next weekend as well, and the Monday and Tuesday. Neil will come over on Thursday. I have asked him to make a list of the camera collection, so that I have an idea what I have. It is a lot of cameras, and he was always making sure that they were in working condition.
The 2 Leicas are already in Glasgow, as well as a couple of Rolleiflex. But there are hundreds more, that is at least what is seems. We will know better in a week.
Christina cooked a lovely dinner and after that I went on a Skype call with my cousin (he is actually the son of my cousin) Sebastian in Berlin. 2 and a half hours later I went back up and Christina was already asleep in front of the telly.
I decided to start packing and go to bed myself.

I am flying to Bratislava tomorrow until Thursday.
A tough week ahead again.

Since I was not out at all I am blipping a snap of my dad's camera collection. Well, a very very small part of it!
Not a great picture, but thats all I managed.


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