Cheeky Grandad Selfie

Ok, I have no shame. Obviously, I didn't take this, so there are clear grounds for reporting me. However, it's been a busy day and I'm a bit bushed, and this is all you're getting. ;-)

Awake at silly o'clock, because Janet is on gate duty and has to open the village hall for six thirty. Because she's then wide awake, there is vacuum cleaning from seven... At eight thirty I go and set up the public address system at the church, in the grounds of which is the war memorial. Then back home to suit up. In the meantime, my eldest has come over with Ivy.

Ten o'clock and off to the village hall to check on the road closures (three junctions this year as we have a new housing estate in the middle of the processional route) and to identify and greet the other key participants. Off at 10:40 and there are so. many. people... Clearly the poppy yarn-bombing project has got everyone involved. There may even be a very serious looking shot of my in the local newspaper. I must remember to smile more.

After the Civil Act of Remembrance and after the crowds have dispersed into the church or down the road to home, it's time to tie all the wreaths (I think there were nine this year) to the war memorial with garden twine. Then back home to change out of the suit, and back to the memorial to break down the PA system. One of the radio microphones seems to have gone into the church, where the service is still ongoing... hey ho, I'll get it later.

Back home again, and there are pizzas to cook and salad to prepare. A lovely afternoon with Ivy and Cheryl, with a wander through the village (still, so many people with cameras photographing the poppy displays) and a naughty pint in one of the local pubs. And now, into the evening, I'm knackered! 

Remembrance is both emotional and complicated for me. I'm engaged with the whole poppy thing but if it is the hundredth anniversary of the ending of the war to end all wars why are we still fighting? Why, more importantly, are we still selling armaments to dreadful people, with which they can do unto their people that which we fought against having done to us? How is it we commemorate terrible war but feel able to perpetuate it?

These questions and more... I don't ever expect to be answered. May wiser heads prevail. May there be peace throughout all the worlds. May the gods that be, agree.

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