Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


The day finally arrived. We've been talking/hearing about so many unique ways to mark this very sombre occasion. It's been great to see some of the displays here on Blip. It would have been a great time to be in the UK and take part in a few events, but alas, school term makes it impossible.

G got home in time to catch Live coverage by the BBC of the Services in France and London. We're going to try to watch the Service at the RAH on YouTube when it becomes available/there is enough time to stop and look for it.

The lesson today was cancelled so we could go to the Anglican Church in Jebel Ali for their service. It was great to be there again after ages; there are a few changes most notably - a very elaborate organ! The service itself was disappointing, led by a thirty-something who didn't put his thoughts over very well. I'm glad I went though, as it was definitely a nice change to sing some hymns and have some liturgy! I can't believe I am saying that.

We had some weather today. G pointed out sheet lightning as we drove South. Then, during the service, we had a downpour, evidenced by puddles making it difficult to get to your car. Dinner was a Union Co-op shawarma eaten parked by the beach, and now, it is not far off 1am, so I need to stop and get to bed. The extra is taken by G to record a few spots of rain. :)

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