Deer Leap

On Grandma duty today. William was giving his Dad a hard time when I arrived but quietened down as soon as we got in the car.

We went to Bradgate Country Park, arriving shortly after 9 am. I had to go in search of change for the car park meter.

William was fascinated by the seagulls and ravens but didn't really seem to notice the deer. Constant calls of doggy as we passed them being walked.

We took it slowly as it was a beautiful morning and I had to find a way of passing the time until late afternoon to give Kat an opportunity to sleep. Almost at the Deer Barn cafe, a herd of deer ran across the path in front of us to reach the grazing meadow. This was the only photo that wasn't blurred. I should have used a faster shutter speed.

By the time we reached the Deer Barn, William had dozed off but that gave me the opportunity to get my sandwich and a pot of tea and settle the pushchair. William dutifully tackled his lunch too when he stirred.

The weather had changed when we came out. More unsettled with a threat of showers and an increasing breeze.

Nonetheless, when we reached the large clearing beyond the ruins, I fetched him out of his pushchair so that he could walk around. He must have walked four hundred yards on the way back to the car park.

We had an excellent opportunity to study the gulls and the ravens. A super day. See extra of William in his pushchair.

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